5 Essential steps to change a leg bag
Welcome back to LINC Medical’s series of blogs designed to help catheter users and their carers. Changing your leg bag Leg bags should be changed every 5-7 days. Longer times between leg bag changes helps to reduce the risk of infection getting into the closed drainage system. Changing your leg bag safely involves 5 easy steps: 1. Wash your hands with warm soapy water and dry them 2. Grip the catheter at the join between the drainage tube and the inflation tube and grip the leg bag above the connector. Rotate the catheter gently whilst pulling away from the connector. 3. Take off the cap from the new bag and dispose of the old one 4. Gently but firmly push in the new bag into the catheter. Be careful not to touch the open catheter end or the connector on the new drainage bag. Once connected wash your hands again. 5. Make a note of the date you changed your leg bag on the bag date box, and pop a note in your calendar to remind you to change your leg bag after 5-7 days. Troubleshooting your leg bag Sometimes you might notice that yor leg bag is not filling.…
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